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          發布人:admin    發布時間:2016-08-08     查看次數:20485次

          產品名稱:GPX-4500地下黃金探測器 (澳洲)
          產品型號:GPX-4500 5米

          GPX- 4500是目前比較先進的黃金探測器,擁有堅實的客戶群!新的增值功能,使用戶比以往任何時候能夠更有力和更靈活使用。納入新的SETA技術,使它更安靜,抗干擾能力更強,所以使用更方便。

          就算你以前從沒有用過金屬探測器,GPX- 4500的自動平衡功能和預先設定搜索模式,會使您輕易的成為這個領域的專家。靜音裝置,清晰的目標信號,更佳的辨別力和通用性,讓GPX- 4500成為最好的黃金探測器。

          全新的時間設置模式使GPX- 4500更通用。GPX – 4000的用戶已經知道有一個可利用的調速范圍是多么的有價值。 能夠在各種條件下提供優化性能的探測器。

          GPX- 4500引入了兩個新的調速,提高了敏捷性,除了四個以前發現的模式。 新的增強調速是一個強大的功能,類似于感光調速,但改善了在小型和大型目標下的深度和信號反應。

          敏感的自動平衡調速更適合安靜的土壤,并提供了在所有土壤/調速下最有效的檢測。 還可以通過增加音頻用來協助對極微弱信號的判斷。 擴音器的設計和使用高品質低噪音元件確保信號的反應是明確和清晰的,沒有額外的嗡嗡聲的干擾。


          GPX- 4500提供了一系列的預編程搜索模式,可以讓你馬上開始探測! 除了一般和較深這兩種最常見的自定義搜索模式,讓您存取其他四個搜索模式,具體的選擇對應具體的技術。

          這些是高質量礦、垃圾礦、散礦和測試模式。 所有6個搜索模式,可以根據您最喜愛的設置進行修改,自定義模式可以讓你選擇自己的模式。

          GB OFF   中性土壤。

          除了正常和地面平衡的具體方案,第三個選擇現在可用。 在GB OFF選擇下,的離地面平衡電路是通過的給予額外的深層檢測。對于良性,低礦,或鹽飽和土地來說,這是一種有用的功能。 此設置也能在粘土或砂質土壤很好地探測文物寶藏。




          穩定器是很好的調諧器。使操作者完全可以控制穩定。 這是并列的音頻處理電路,所以應和四個類型的音頻選擇相關聯。 在安靜的條件,提高穩定性能讓微弱的信號更加明顯。按下它會向您提供更平穩的開端,提高您辨別微弱信號的能力。

          除了音量限制控制,可防止信號聲音太大,新的音量控制,使您可以增加微弱目標的信號強度。 這在有大風的條件下非常有用,避免人遭受聽力損失,使用外部揚聲器時可以調整音頻音量。 該音量控制區還可以再反應溫和的土壤上用作促進音頻,在反應強烈的土壤上可降低或理順噪聲信號。這是一個強大的功能,并且將和穩定器協調工作,讓您的提高微調的能力。。

          內置放大器 ,您可以更容易聽到微弱的目標信號。新設計的鋰離子電池現在有一個音頻放大器內置,讓您使用外部揚聲器,而不需要任何外部助推器。 其使用的智能電路,自動感應正確的有線揚聲器,并適用于增加音頻增益。 設計中的放大器和使用高品質低噪音元件確保信號的反應是明確和清晰的,沒有增加的背景嗡嗡聲的一些助推器。

          SETA  技術實現更精確的調速。
          GPX- 4500現在總共提供了6個定時選擇,以適應不同的檢測條件。 前系列探測器操作使用一個普遍調整適用于所有的時間。 有這么多不同的時機選擇裝在GPX- 4500 ,它已不再可能依賴于一個單一的調整,因此,智能電子定時對齊或SETA的概念誕生了。
          SETA自動設置精確對準每一個時序的選擇。 這意味著,在每一個時機,電磁干擾所造成的噪音將減至最低,保持更加穩定,從高磁性的電磁巖發出的信號將大大減少。 這可以讓您利用GPX- 4500 所有的功能,并且在不同的條件下操作地更有效。
          對于僅僅768克, Minelab的最新輕便鋰離子電池,可常規運作GPX- 4500長達12小時。 并提供非常迅速的充電時間4至5小時,可從12V的車輛或電源 適配器。 最重要的是,可用的電池電源的測試可以在任何時間通過液晶顯示器的顯示出測試結果。
          包括與GPX- 4500是一個新的和改進的電池利用,現在較厚帶和加強帶軟墊,以改善支持和更舒適的使用。
          該中繼- 4500改性Endcaps ,現在可以完全控制盒可調,以改善平衡時使用較小或較大的線圈。
          設計來處理金礦,在GPX- 4500提供更長的電力電纜,一個較厚外鞘和模塑插頭。

          A creation worth its weight in Gold!

          The GPX-4500 is the ultimate gold finding detector with the new added features that makes it stronger and more versatile than ever before.

          Incorporating new SETA technology, it is quieter and more immune to interference, so that it is a real pleasure to use.

          No matter if you've never picked up a detector before, the GPX-4500 has automatic functions and pre-set Search Modes that make you an expert in a matters of moments. Quieter threshold, louder target signals, improved discrimination, and more versatile, the GPX-4500 is the gold detector that gives the best results.

          New GPX-4500 Features

          NEW TIMINGS so the GPX-4500 is even more
          versatile. Users of the GPX-4000 have learnt just how valuable it is to have a range of timings
          available, to optimise the performance of the detector in various conditions. The GPX-4500 introduces two new timings, Enhance & Sharp, in addition to the four found on the previous model. The new Enhance timing is a powerful feature, similar to the Sensitive Smooth timing, but provides an improvement in the depth and signal response on small and large targets alike.

          The Sharp timing is more suited to the quieter soils and provides the most powerful detection field of all the Soil/Timing options. The Sharp timing can also be used as an aid to pin-pointing faint signals. Increase in Audio Gain. The design of the amplifier and the use of the high-quality low noise components ensure the signal response is clear and crisp, without the added background hum of some boosters.


          The GPX-4500 offers a number of pre-programmed search models which allows you to start detecting right away! In addition to the General and Deep search modes is the Custom mode, which gives you access to four other search modes specially selected for specific techniques. These are Hi Mineral; Hi Trash; Patch and Test A modes. All 6 search modes can be modified with your favourite settings, and the Custom modes allow you to select your own mode name.

          New Functions

          GB OFF for neutral soils.
          In addition to Normal and Specific ground balance options, a third option is now available. In GB Off the ground balance circuit is by-passed to give extra deep detection. This is a useful feature in very benign low mineralised, or salt saturated soils. This setting will also work well for treasure or relic hunters in loam or sandy soils.

          BACKLIGHT, so you can read the LCD menu in any light, day or night.
          The backlight has adjustable time-out to preserve battery life.

          STABILIZER for the smoothers threshold.
          The stabilizer function is a fine tuner that gives the operator full control over the threshold stability. It is tied in with the audio processing circuit, so should be used in conjunction with the four Audio Type options. In quiet conditions, increase the Stabilizer control and faint target signals will be more obvious. Turing it down will provide you with a smoother threshold, improving your ability to pick up the faintest of signals.

          In addition to the Volume Limit control, which prevents signals from being too loud, the new Target Volume allows you to increase the strength of softer target signals. This is useful for very windy conditions, for people suffering from hearing loss, and to adjust the audio volume when using external speakers. The Target Volume can also be used as an audio boost in mild soils, and can be used to reduce or smooth out ground noise signals in highly mineralised soils. This is a powerful feature, and will work in conjunction with the Stabilizer control, giving you the ultimate in fine tuning ability.

          IMPROVED DISCRIMINATION that gives you access to the worst of trashy ground.
          When detecting in a high-trash area like a mining site or a campground, the Iron Reject function allows the operator to set the desired level of discrimination, from cautious to aggressive. This combined with the specially programmed Hi Trash search mode makes areas of extreme junk well worth a search. Also great for the specialist Relic and Jewellery hunter who demands the best, and wants to recover the smallest and deepest targets invisible to most treasure detectors.

          BUILT-IN AMPLIFIER so you can hear soft target signals from deeper nuggets, more easily.The newly designed Li-lon battery pack now has an audio amplifier built in, allowing you to use an external speaker, without the need for any external booster. Its uses smart circuitry, which automatically senses a correctly wired speaker, and applies an increase in Audio Gain. The design of the amplifier and the use of high-quality low noise components ensure the signal response is clear and crisp, without the added background hum of some boosters.

          SETA Technology gives precision timings

          The GPX-4500 now offers a total of six Timing options to suit different detecting conditions. Previous GP series detectors operated using one universal alignment suitable to all their timings. With so many different timing options packed into the GPX-4500, it was no longer possible to rely on a single alignment, and so the Smart Electronic Timing Alignment or SETA concept was born.

          SETA automatically sets a precise alignment for each Timing option. What this means is that in each timing, noises caused by magnetic interference will be minimised, the threshold will remain more stable, and signals from highly magnetic rocks will be significantly reduced. This allows you to harness all the power of the GPX-4500, and operate it more efficiently under different conditions.

          A bonus of SETA technology is that the ground balance setting of each timing is also saved, so if you are switching between timings when investigating a suspected target signal, you wont have to continually re-ground balance the detector.

          New Lithium-Ion Battery

          For a mere 768g, Minelab's newest lightweight Lithium-Ion Batteries hold their charge at almost full power for hours more than conventional batteries and will operate the GPX-4500 for up to 12 hours. The intelligent charging system is self-contained in the robust yet lightweight aluminium housing, offering very rapid recharge times of 4 to 5 hours, from either the 12v vehicle or Mains adaptor. Best of all, the available power of the battery can be tested at any time through the LCD display on the detector.

          Improved Battery Harness

          Included with the GPX-4500 is a new and improved battery harness, now with thicker straps and a reinforced padded belt, for improved support and a more comfortable fit.

          Modified Endcaps

          The GPX-4500 with Modified Endcaps, now allows for full control box adjustability, to improve balance when using smaller or larger coils.

          Heavy Duty Power Cable

          Designed to handle the rigours of the goldfields, the GPX-4500 is supplied with a longer power cable, a thicker outer sheath and over-moulded plugs.

          18.5x12 inch Mono (470x300mm) – 795 grams
          14x9 inch Mono (350x 230mm) – 575 grams

          友情鏈接:地下金屬探測器 | 138建筑英才網 | 深圳建材網 | 翻譯公司 |

          版權所有:山西科探科技有限公司 專業銷售地下金屬探測器、地下金屬探測儀、手持金屬探測器、金屬安檢門

          地址: 山西省太原市小店區平陽路賽格商務樓12層I01室   業務電話:0351-8339698 13546412071

